responsive website / conversational search



How to drive B2B prosumers to the right products and services in a market which is complex, has multiple personas and a myriad of differing business needs.


Applying our user-based Discovery process, we ran several sessions with stakeholders and customers. We looked to define them as personas and  to understand & define their needs, both individually and at a business level. We matched those needs where they best intersected and developed a working prototype.

Key to that prototype, which very quickly became a reality, was the approach to search. 

By opting for a conversational search approach, we were able to quickly identify and funnel the user straight into the product and service most applicable for them.


Conversational search provides a method of self-selection and prioritisation in a simple, reductive fashion. In this instance we asked users what industry they were coming from, what action they wanted to take and what level of services the'd be interested in.

By pre-defining these three fields during Discovery, we were able to provide the ideal solution based on three simple user factors. Each answer can impact on the next, thus providing a dynamic, reductive search until

At all times we were conscious of finding the right balance.between those new to the industry behaving in browsing mode and those users who were more familiar. So we provided f context and explanation around the services and most importantly the Client's unique benefits across each service line. All driving to a sign-up form to continue the conversation either directly or via CRM.